Chris Robson

Insights Technology Leader

Chris Robson

Chris Robson

Insights Technology Leader

Language Models will Transform Insights

1 minutes
May 19, 2021

I don’t like to brag, but this is my ’told you so’ moment. Before the release of ChatGPT the majority of people in the Insights Industry were blissfully unaware of language models. Eighteen months before that I gave this talk as a bit of a heads-up/warning. Some people took notice.

This was given at the Insights Association’s NEXT Conference in May of 2021. As I say in the talk my goal was to both excite and terrify people. For many it was an eye-opening moment. For others it was written off as just another fad.

Much has happened since this was released, and the technology has come along in leaps and bounds. I still feel that as an industry we are behind the curve, but hopefully that is changing.